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You could be losing as much as 25% of your household water through cistern leaks. 

Find out how

Save MONEY on your water account every month, by stopping unnecessary water loss, with our MINOS 'water-on-demand' cistern mechanism.

As a proudly South African company, committed to water saving innovation, we have spent years researching, developing and perfecting our water technology solutions and recently patented the MINOS 'water-on-demand' cistern mechanism, which will save a significant amount of water every day.

This is how the MINOS cistern mechanism works.


Play the audio clip above to follow the simple instructions.


The cistern remains empty between uses and prevents any undetected leaks from faulty or old rubbers seals.

  1. ​When entering the bathroom, press the 'fill' button.

  2. The water will fill the cistern to the set height.

  3. When you are done using the toilet, push the 'flush' button.

  4. The cistern empties and then remains empty until the next time it is filled ‘on demand’ for use.

Our products are SABS certified and we are proud to have been one of the finalists in the 2021 ACCELERATOR PROGRAMME to help build a new sanitation sector for the future. This program was run by the Toilet Board Coalition internationally in conjunction with Lixil and Cobra South Africa.

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Click the image below to view eNCA report on MINOS water and cost saving

eNCA video

Water usage per household in random pilot projects save an average of
26,8% water.

Water meter.jpg

About 36% of municipal water consumption in SA is non-revenue

Our goal is to fit, and retrofit, as many MINOS water saving cisterns in South Africa as possible. This means that, not only would we create savings for the homeowner, it will also help to save water, one of South Africa's most precious resources.

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MINOS Cistern Mechanism


Our patented MINOS Cistern Mechanism fits into all ceramic and plastic top & front flush cisterns with two button or handle flush mechanisms.


It stops all leaking when the cistern is not in use as the cistern remains empty. The 'fill' button is pushed when entering the bathroom to fill the cistern and the flush button is pushed upon completion. The cistern will then remain empty to avoid any possible leaks.


MINOS Basin Cistern


Our MINOS Cistern Mechanism is revolutionizing toilet technology for many communities.


The cistern remains empty in its resting state (when not in use) and water is only delivered to it when needed.  After use, the 'fill' button is pushed, and the basin top provides clean water for sanitation. The water drains through into the cistern and when it reaches a mechanical trigger, the water stops running and the toilet flushes automatically. The cistern will then remain empty to avoid any possible leaks.


Join our journey to build South Africa as a leader in water saving technology, and support innovative products designed and produced in South Africa. The cost of our products is comparable to all imports produced overseas. However, our locally produced products have an additional benefit in that some of the income is directed towards creating opportunities for local skills development and small business development. 

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