Investment and Financial Planning
When you set goals, you're defining your dreams for the future. Some of your goals may be things that you want soon, like paying off your credit card debt or buying a new car. Other goals may be more distant. Do you want to buy or build a new home? Start your own business? Pay for college for your child or grandchild? Retire early?
Your goals are the foundation of your financial plan because you need to know what you want to accomplish before you can begin saving or investing. Once we've identified and prioritized your financial goals, we can develop a clear-cut savings or investment strategy that can help turn your dreams into reality. We will coach you and monitor your plan, report on your successes and guide you towards your goals.
I have been helping people build and realize their dreams for over 40 years - it all revolves around taking the first step…. The rest will follow!
Business Assurance
You can’t predict the future. But you can manage your risk by keeping your Agreements up-to-date and making sure you are prepared for death, disability, and illness in your business.
Your partner dies and suddenly:
The bank account is frozen – you can’t pay wages or creditors;
The Bank calls up the sureties signed by the deceased partner and informs them that
The overdraft needs to be repaid with immediate effect;
The new “partner” contributing to business decisions, happens to be the Executor and the widow of the deceased partner (what do they know about the business?)
The price being offered for the late partner’s shares is far lower than expected (a formula for this was never discussed or kept up-to-date!);
The remaining partners don’t have the funding to pay out the Executor of the late partner’s estate;
The widow has decided that she doesn’t want to sell her shares after all…
Let me help you avoid all this by reviewing your arrangements?

Retirement Planning
Should we ever retire?
Maybe all we need is the security of knowing that we don’t HAVE to work anymore… that we have enough to live a good healthy rewarding life.
Conventional “Retirement” is one of the most important life events many of us will ever experience. Building your “pile” which gives you financial security is an incredibly extensive process that takes sensible planning and years of persistence. Even once it is reached, managing your retirement is an ongoing responsibility that carries on well into one's golden years.
While all of us would like to retire comfortably, the complexity and time required in building a successful retirement plan can make the whole process seem nothing short of daunting. However, it can often be done with fewer headaches (and financial pain) than you might think - all it takes is a little homework, an attainable savings and investment plan, a long-term commitment .
Estate Planning
Estate planning is a process. It’s an exciting process. It involves people — your family, other individuals and, in many cases, charitable organizations of your choice. It also involves your assets (your property) and the various forms of ownership and title that those assets may take. And it addresses your future needs in case you ever become unable to care for yourself.
Many people mistakenly think that estate planning only involves the writing of a Will. Estate planning, however, is a philosophical set of decisions. It obviously also involves financial, tax, medical and business planning.
A Will is part of the planning process, but you will need other documents as well to fully address your estate planning needs. Let’s sit down and discuss your life, what it has meant; what you still intend to achieve and how you want your story to unfold even when you are no longer here.
Let’s get all your financial ducks in a row and you will feel great!