Trampoline mats can last up to 8 years, depending on the sun exposure of the mat. When stitching fails, the appearance is poor, but usually the black polypropylene fabric is not harmed and can be repaired. Trampoline scene offers repairs on round and square trampolines of all sizes.
Trampolines are a fantastic piece of apparatus but, from a safety aspect, it is important to ensure that your trampoline is always in good working order. Contact us for a quotation on your repairs.
Trampoline Scene offers fully galvanised, UV protected trampolines for the whole family. You can get a pit- or free standing model at great competing prices. We also offer padding for safety. Come view our show room at 1771 Stillewater Street, Durbanville.
Rebounding has been proven to hold great health benifits and can even help with the dealing of illnesses like Osteoporosis and Emphysema. Children can get great motoric muscle and co-ordination developement, while still having fun outdoors. Be sure to check out our different products, or contact us for a free quotation.
Click here for more information on trampoline repairs.
Trampoline Scene bied ten volle gegalvaniseerde, UV beskermde springmatte vir die hele gesin. U kan ‘n put- of vrystaande model teen goeie kompeterende pryse kry. Ons bied ook ‘padding’ vir veiligheid.
Kom besoek ons vertoonlokaal by 1771 Stillewater Street, Durbanville.
Trampolien spring hou groot gesondheidsvoordele in en kan ook help met die behandeling van siektes soos Osteoporose en Emfisema. Kinders kry goeie motoriese spier en koördinasie ontwikkeling, terwyl hulle steeds pret het in die buitelug. Gaan kyk gerus na die verskillende produkte wat ons bied, of kontak ons vir ‘n gratis kwotasie.
Kliek hier vir meer inligting oor ons herstelwerk op trampoliens.
Verbeter koördinasie
Verbeter motoriese ontwikkeling
Verbeter balans
Verbeter spasies koördinasie
Versterk sentrale balans
Verbeter groot motoriese spier ontwikkeling
Nie seisoengebonde
Min toesig nodig
Bemoedig kreatiwiteit
Gebruik min spasie
Genot vir vele jare and alle oudedomme
Gebruik deur fisio-en arbeidsterapeute
Low maintenance costs
Bied ure se vermaak vir kinders
Help met limfdreinering en detoksifikasie
Verbeterde bloedserkulasie met baie min moeite
Help met die behandeling van siektes soos Osteoporose en Emfisema
Ondersteun die verteringstelsel en help met konstipasie
Improves co-ordination
Improves motoric planning
Improves balance
Improves space orientation
Strengthens central balance
Improves big motoric muscle development
Not limited to seasons
Little supervision
Encourages creativity
Uses little space
Pleasure for many years and all ages
Used by physios and occupational therapists
Low maintenance costs
Hours of amusement for children
Helps with lymph drainage and detoxification
Improved blood circulation with very little effort
Stress reduction
Helps with illnesses like Osteoporosis and Emphysema
Supportive to digestive function and helps for constipation